High Risk Merchant Account

Secure your high-risk merchant account in 10 days or less with our streamlined process

In today’s dynamic business landscape, certain industries face unique challenges when it comes to accessing essential banking services. At RiskLink, we understand the hurdles that businesses in high-risk industries encounter and are here to provide tailored solutions that unlock opportunities and foster growth.

high risk merchant account uk

High-risk industries encompass a wide range of sectors, including adult gaming, gambling, competitions and prize draws, adult entertainment, CBD products, cryptocurrency, MSB's and more.

How we help your business?

How does RiskLink help your business?

Assessment and Consultation Process

We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of each client's business requirements and risk profile to determine the most suitable merchant account solutions.

Tailored Recommendations

Based on our assessment, we provide personalized recommendations for merchant account solutions that align with the client's goals and objectives.


Once the client is satisfied with our recommendations, we facilitate introductions to our network of trusted banking partners, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup process.


Our commitment to our clients' success doesn't end with the initial setup. We provide continuous support and guidance to ensure that their merchant accounts operate smoothly and efficiently.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
High Risk Merchant Account UK FAQs

Industries that qualify as high risk include adult gaming, gambling, prize draws and competitions, pharmaceuticals, debt collection, dating services, e-cigarettes/vaping, CBD products, charities, crowdfunding platforms, lotteries, auctions, adult entertainment and cryptocurrency. These industries are deemed high risk due to various factors such as regulatory complexities, higher incidence of chargebacks, potential for fraud, and increased scrutiny from financial institutions. As a result, businesses operating in these sectors often face challenges in accessing banking services and require specialised solutions, such as those provided by RiskLink, to navigate the financial landscape effectively.

  1. Initially, the client is contacted once they reach out to us.
  2. We provide them with a NDA contract to ensure peace of mind.
  3. A contract is then sent, and half of the fee is collected.
  4. In the event that a suitable banking partner cannot be found, that fee is refunded, unless false information has been provided.
  5. Next, we request information and documentation about the business, directors, shareholders and UBO’s.
  6. We determine which bank would be the best fit and present the client with several options.
  7. The client is then referred to the chosen bank, which conducts its due diligence.
  8. When approved, the remaining fee is collected and the bank takes over direct communication with the client.

High-risk merchant accounts are essential for businesses in high-risk industries to accept payments securely and efficiently, enabling them to operate and grow despite the challenges they face.

Setting up a high-risk merchant account can be a process influenced by various factors, from the intricacies of your business model to the specific requirements of banking partners. However, leveraging our 20 years of experience in high-risk banking, RiskLink has streamlined this process to ensure efficiency without sacrificing thoroughness. Our seasoned team is adept at swiftly analyzing client information, requesting only the essential documentation needed to initiate the setup. Moreover, our extensive network of banking partners enables us to match your business with the most suitable institution, expediting the setup process further. While the exact timeframe may vary based on individual circumstances, our commitment is unwavering—we work diligently to minimize delays and ensure a swift setup process. With RiskLink, you can expect to have your high-risk merchant account established in less than 10 days.

The fees associated with high-risk merchant accounts typically comprise a fixed and competitive amount. Moreover, in the rare instance that a suitable banking partner cannot be secured, RiskLink refunds 50% of the fee, contingent upon the authenticity of the provided documentation.

Yes, RiskLink specializes in assisting businesses with previous chargeback issues. Our team will work closely with clients to develop strategies for mitigating chargebacks and improving overall payment processing efficiency.

Yes, RiskLink works with businesses of all sizes and credit profiles. Our team will assess your business’s specific situation and work to find a suitable merchant account solution that meets your needs and objectives.

How does RiskLink help your business?

Get Your High-Risk Merchant Account in 10 Days or Less

Ready to take the next step towards securing your business’s future? Apply with RiskLink today and discover how our tailored merchant account solutions can help your high-risk business thrive.